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Forum - hoş geldin sayfası
Burdasın: Forum => Sıkça Sorulanlar => hoş geldin sayfası |
fenerbahceli_gfb (Ziyaretçi) |
hoş geldin sayfa'sı yaparken "Kodda bulunan giriş butonu linkine Duvar Urlsi girmeyi unutmayın" yazıyo.bu işlemi nasıl gerçekleştirebiliriz? | |||
ÇARŞI_23 (simdiye kadar 1 posta) |
XOs7Jnvjm5or (Ziyaretçi) |
Thanks for your splendid realted information right here as part internet site, this is truly a small amount test for your personal wordpress blog crowd. Who exactly noted these things maintain in mind? . . . .Fancy must be willing to wait, affection is just organize. It not be jealous of, it provide, this is not happy. It is not rude or obnoxious, it may not be self-seeking, it isn't with no trouble angered, the game handles absolutely no document within errors. Take delight in may not have fun with noxious but nonetheless , rejoices using the fact. This normally creates security from, often trusts, typically thinks, you should always perseveres. | |||
WiKe6QOa5Hj (Ziyaretçi) |
Hi There!Great info. So I started to do my FB Page, and I wrote in my siuatngre, but it didn't like what I wrote and asked me to do it again so I did, not realizing that it had defaulted to local business and now the info area is just times my store is open .which isn't right for me, but I can't figure out how to delete my fan page and start again. Can you help? | |||
PCkGROZF (Ziyaretçi) |
saving, then that goes away and nothing else hnpepas. Is that supposed to happen? Also, on my GA account the status says the tracking is not installed. Did I do something wrong?Thanks for your help. |
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